GHAFLA! Fuck you.. guy trolls ghafla! viciously

Posted on 13:20 by

Beyond my douchebaggery and
occasional lief lessons that really
don’t make sense to anyone else
unless you still live with your mom
and saving up to buy a world of
Warcraft expansion set, i like getting
serious and today is one of those
days …i think …I’ll try not talk about

This could be an open letter, but i
wont be a basic bitch and do that
….it’s not an open letter ….its a
motherflipping statement., you may not know me,
and i cant blame you. I’m just some
guy who has a twitter and Facebook
account, i have a striped pullover to
wear on official days,a bunch of khaki
pants and an android phone. i also
have a cat if that is of any use to
you. Why am i telling you

I was your biggest fan, no like
literally ,,,…(stop laughing guise …
they were actually good back then)
but whatever right? you have
thousands of kids visiting your
page don’t need me
Ghafla, i hope you are happy that
you will solely be responsible for the
number of insolent vagina fairies that
this generation will bring out.

Vagina fairies : Vajaina fe(ə)rē /
noun – Humans of the female breed
who will spread their legs for a
dollar ..or internet
fame ..sometimes a pair of shoes …
also see whores
You have glorified everything except
brains and sense .

You little fucks have single-handedly created tiny
whoredoms that seem to be growing
by the day and honestly, i am
fucking sick and tired of it. I am not
writing this for any other reason
other than the bloody fact, that a 16
yr old right now is stripping down
and taking photos, and twerking (the
act of shaking your bum as a
declaration of daddy issues) so she
can be recognized …by ghafla and
subsequently the whole country.

I am pissed because you little fuckers
sold out and decided, “bro we should
like sell out and make lots of money,
at the expense of fucking morals.”

Do you guys have like an A.G.M
where you sit and storm (id say
brainstorm but ..well…brain …that
will imply you have one …so i guess
…you know…I’ll leave that out) …
about what other name other than
curvy, luscious to use in your photo
Seriously, you fucking shallow
minded pricks, is this what you deem
to be “newsworthy”? do you even
know the impact of posts such as
this? You wankers spew more bullshit
than a slaughter-house on Thursday
(Kiserian people will understand
*makes gang signs at a bunch of
random people*) …a huge
percentage of guys that read your
posts are kids ..and there you are
dick in hand praising someone for
having a big bum. (isn’t that your
definition of a socialite? a big shit
holder (besides your heads)?)
You have objectified women in a way
that makes it seem okay. Like it’s a
privilege to be have a big butt, like
it’s a priority, like the whole world
depends on whether a lady has a big
bum or not. You glorify these women
….you have them come to your office
and “twerk” because that’s just
fucking important right? …they gats
to do dat … I wonder what will
happen when Risper faith, Vera,
Corazone  ( put your clothes back on
ladies your daddy issues are
showing) grow up?

You know what, let me just calm
down for a minute and deliver the
message i want to deliver. Less is
more right?


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