JOBS IN KENYA: 2014/ 2015 KIPPRA Training Programm INTERNSHIP

Posted on 06:26 by
Training Opportunities in Kenya
KIPPRA Young Professionals 2014/15 Training Programme
The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) is a public Institute established in 1997 to support public policy by contributing to the formulation of medium and long-term strategic perspectives for development of the country as well as developing the required human and institutional capacities.
This is achieved by undertaking economic modeling and forecasting, policy analysis and research, and through capacity building for the achievement of national development goals.
As part of its capacity building, the Institute runs a one-year Young Professionals (YP) programme, during which the participants are involved in hands-on public policy research and analysis.
They also receive courses such as Public Policy Process, Research Methods, Applied Econometrics, and Macroeconomic Modeling.
By the end of the course the participants are expected to write a publishable paper.
The Institute invites applications from suitable and qualified candidates for the 2014/2015 YP programme, which will commence on 01st July 2014 and end on 30th June 2015.
The training opportunities exist within the following areas of specialization:
  • Macroeconomics (Economic policy and growth, Investment, Inflation, Fiscal and monetary policy, Macroeconomic modeling);
  • Productive Sector (Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Tourism, Environment and Natural resources);
  • Trade and Foreign Policy (Domestic & International Trade, International relations);
  • Social Sector (Poverty, Education, Health, Labour market, and Other social issues);
  • Infrastructure and Economic Services (Physical Infrastructure, Water, Energy, Transport, Urban & Regional Planning, ICT, Housing and Construction);
  • Private Sector Development (Financial services, Business environment, Small and Medium Enterprises);
  • Governance (Land, Constitutional issues, Security, Economic and Corporate governance);
Details of the Terms & Conditions and application procedure can be accessed on
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