8 things that truly miserable people do

Posted on 08:02 by

Would you say some people or most people are
miserable? It’s hard to tell these days. With all
the fake drama everyone seems to be indulging
in, one has a difficult time telling whether or not
people hate their lives as much as they say they
do, or if they are simply reenacting an episode
from the “Jersey Shore.”
Miserable people do exist, but I would like to
believe there aren’t as many miserable people
out there as there would seem to be.
With everyone complaining all over social media
outlets all the time, you could only conclude
that everyone in the whole world hates their
lives. But this can’t be true…
There are a few signs that are dead giveaways,
however. Here are eight of them:
1. They manage to find the worst
in everything – always finding the
down side.
A miserable person is miserable because the way
he or she views the world is miserable. Their
thought processes have been molded to always
see the worst of every situation, the worst of
every person, and the worst of any possible
future scenario.
They manage to find the bad in any good you
throw their way. Miserable people will point out
the bad in any situation simply for the sake of
glooming down the party — not that they would
be at a party… miserable people tend to avoid
2. They hate their friends.
Misery loves company, but a company of
miserable bastards doesn’t necessarily like one
another very much. Miserable individuals seem
to make “friends” with other miserable
I’m not sure whether they find themselves
friends who already happen to be miserable or if
they turn their joyful friends into miserable
shrews, but those who hang out with miserable
people tend to be pretty miserable themselves.
I mean, why the hell else would they put up
with someone so unhappy? Not even quietly
unhappy, but loudly unhappy.
Miserable people like to make sure you know
they’re miserable. For this reason, it seems that
only miserable people are capable of putting up
with other miserable people. It’s almost like a
3. They spend as much time as
possible distracting themselves
from reality.
Their lives suck. Well, they believe their lives
suck. And because they believe their lives suck,
they do their best to distract themselves from it
as often and for as long as possible. They drink.
They do drugs. T
hey indulge in other indulgences like reading,
watching movies, watching TV for hours on end…
Pick your poison. The problem is, they are trying
to get away from something they can’t get away
Reality isn’t a choice; it’s a state of existence.
You exist and function within reality whether you
like it or not. Trying to get away from it will only
make you more miserable.
4. The first thing they do every
morning is get pissed off about
having to get up.
We all have those days we don’t want to get out
of bed. The miserable person, on the other
hand, wakes up every day with that thought
When you don’t like your life, you aren’t
especially thrilled to wake up and live it. The
problem is, starting your day dreading the
following hours only makes things worse.
Going from a miserable person to a happy one
has to start in the moment you wake up. Start
happy, and staying happy will be easier.
5. They give lip to whomever,
whenever the opportunity arises.
Miserable people don’t really like people. They
don’t like themselves very much, so you can’t
expect them to like anyone else, either. For this
reason, they like to give attitude to those they
This is something you will see clearly in a bigger
city, like New York. Miserable people will do
their best to overreact or react inappropriately
whenever they feel someone is annoying them.
This could be something as little as being
bumped into on the train. They seem to have a
switch that flips every time they get annoyed,
which happens to be very often. Miserable
people have no issue with being rude.
6. They like to point out flaws in
Miserable people like to bring others down to
their level, usually by pointing out everything
they find wrong or unappealing about a person.
They will briskly point out your insecurities and
pretend like they didn’t know what they were
But they did know what they were doing. They
wanted to see your reaction, to see if your mood
could be worsened in order to be up to par with
Miserable people like to make themselves
believe the world really is as ugly as they see it,
so they go pointing out the flaws and waiting for
someone to agree with them, reaffirming their
beliefs that what they are looking at really is as
ugly and awful as they believe it to be.
7. They don’t like themselves very
much, but still think they’re better
than the rest of the world.
Miserable people are miserable, first and
foremost, because they don’t like themselves very
much. It may not even be all of them; it could
just be one aspect of them that they find flawed
that is weighing heavily on their minds.
The flaws they see may not even really exist, but
they believe they do and that’s enough for them.
They don’t like themselves very much, but their
egos still force them to hold themselves in the
highest regard.
What does this result in? Their belief that even
though they may be a piece of sh*t, they’re the
best piece of sh*t on the planet. They may suck,
but they believe everyone else sucks more.
8. They believe those who are
happy must be ignorant, yet are
still jealous they can’t be as happy
Ignorance is bliss and bliss is happiness. Well…
not exactly. Being ignorant may make you happy,
but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t
be happy if you’re not ignorant.
Miserable people would do much better trying to
figure out how it is that happy people can be as
happy as they are, instead of telling them they
shouldn’t be happy – that if they were smarter,
more intelligent, they would be just as miserable
as they.
Maybe those people know something that the
miserable person doesn’t. Being miserable is
fixable, but only if you believe someone out
there has it right – even if you yourself don’t.
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