9 Things Insecure People Do That Ruin Their Lives

Posted on 06:45 by

Insecurity is the dumbest thing that we all feel.
Every person in the world has something he or
she is insecure about – even if only slightly.
Well, some of the less mentally stable may have
issues with shame, guilt and empathy, but the
average individual does feel insecure about
something or other. It may not be a high level of
insecurity, but insecurity nonetheless.
While a bit of insecurity is okay to deal with, a
lot of it in certain areas can ruin your life. Even
those of us who experience little insecurity could
still be better off without it, being more likely to
experience more in their lives.
There really is
only one way of ridding yourself of insecurity –
you have to put yourself out there and live
through whatever you’re afraid of.
It’s facing your fears because logically you
understand that they are irrational. Insecurity is
irrational. Irrationality has no place in our lives.
All it does is frustrate us when we don’t get the
results we’re hoping for. Those that live an
insecure life don’t live a happy life.
1. Insecure individuals don’t have
the confidence to try their hand at
enough things.
That’s why they have so much trouble figuring
out what they really want to do in life. The only
way you can figure out how you should best live
your life is by testing things out.
You try things
until you figure out what does and what doesn’t
work for you, calculating the probability that the
following test will result in positive experiences.
You try, you learn, you draw conclusions and you
try again – that’s the only way to live. Those that
are insecure hold themselves back from trying
new things. The more you’re insecure, the less
likely you are to find the ideal life. Personally, I
think that’s a stupid tradeoff.
2. They live in a world of fear of
The more insecure you are, the more that
insecurity weighs on your mind. You think more
about it and think less about anything else. You
live in fear, hoping that no one notices how
flawed you are, even if only in one regard.
You’re scared of interacting with people because
you don’t want them to see through you. People
judge… that’s the way that we’re built. The real
question is: Why does it matter to you so much?
Most people won’t be as upset with your flaw as
you imagine to begin with. And those that are,
never really matter.
3. They usually avoid meeting new
People are very important parts of our lives.
Many will go as far as to argue that the people
in our lives are really the only thing of any
importance whatsoever. The interaction shapes
our lives and sadly not always for the better.
Insecure people do have friends of some sort,
but they usually aren’t great friends.
The insecure have a tendency for settling for
things – people included. They’re just happy to
get a handout when one is given to them. Such
a miserable way to live life.
4. They never give it their all
because they don’t believe their
all is good enough.
They half-ass everything and end up living a
half-assed life. Things only matter when we
decide they matter. How much they matter
depends on how much importance and meaning
we give them. Your life is exactly that – the
more you put in, the more it means. The less
you put in, the less you try and the more you
avoid responsibility for your life and your
actions, the less meaning your life has.
5. The insecure can never entirely
be themselves – they always hold
themselves back.
Being insecure doesn’t excuse you from
functioning within society. For this reason, they
function under a false pretense, pretending to
be people they aren’t. They hide their flaws and
therefore hide themselves. If you’re insecure
about something then either change it or
remove it from your thoughts.
What you can’t
change isn’t worth worrying about. Don’t live
your life in a shell. All the fun starts when you
jump out of it.
6. Because they never attempt to
be themselves, they never really
find themselves or get to know
themselves the way they should.
Most people don’t know themselves well because
they don’t take the time to get to know
The only way to get to know yourself
is to live and see what happens – see how you
react in certain situations, see what you enjoy
and what you dislike, experience the world and
find your place in it. If you aren’t honest with
the world about who you are then you’ll never
find a place in it.
7. Essentially, insecure people live
in a world filled with denial.
The fact is that you’re awesome. You’re not
perfect, but no one is. The only thing you
should be insecure about is being irrational and
illogical – everything else is subjective and out
of your control.
By being insecure, you are
telling yourself that you’re not good enough the
way you are. That’s a lie. You’re accepting a lie
as the truth. That’s the textbook definition of
8. They miss out on the best things
that life has to offer.
Insecurity forces you to live less – literally. You
do less and worry more, accumulating negative
thoughts and missing out on new experiences
and memorable moments.
Life has so much to
offer if you go out there and take what is given
to you. You have opportunities to explore and
grow as an individual daily. Choosing not to take
advantage of it all is a waste of a life. Life is
hard enough as it is; take whatever freebies are
thrown your way.
9. Their relationships are doomed
to fail.
Relationships require two people being honest
with each other. The only way to do that is to
first be honest with yourself.
Insecurities come
out during a relationship and create
unnecessary tension – tension that has no place
in a loving relationship.
Relationships can often do much good and get
insecure individuals to accept and work on their
insecurities. However, when they fail to do so,
they fail to grow as people and their partners
lose interest over time. Being insecure is
depressing. Depression has a way of spreading
and spoiling things.
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