Steve Harvey on Mimi Faust: Sex Tape Isn't Worth Your Image

Posted on 07:47 by

While Mimi Faust might be making big money for Vivid Entertainment with her sex tape, she’s also found herself with a lot of critics.

Some think she’s too old to be doing such a thing, while others think that as a mother of a young child, turning to pornography is a bad idea and desperate move.

However, Faust responded to all her critics by reminding them
that since they don’t pay her bills, their opinion doesn’t matter. But one person who isn’t trying to hear all that is Steve Harvey.

The Think Like A Man writer spoke on his radio show recently about Faust’s decision to do an adult film, and of course, he doesn’t
think it’s cute. He had this message to send to Faust and single mothers in general:

“You can’t have a child and make decisions
based on just you and every mother
understands that. There’s not a single mother
out here that don’t understand the sacrifices
that have to be made as a single mother and
the things you got to give up of yourself to
provide for your children. So when you’re
making these decisions out here, that you’re
going to make a sex tape or you gon’ get
involved in the sex industry, stop thinking
about right now, whatever little momentary
five minutes of fame and little piece of little
change they going to put in your pocket.
Because whatever money they put in your
pocket, it ain’t going to be worth the hell that
comes with it. It’s not going to be worth your
reputation. It ain’t going to be worth your
image. It ain’t gonna be worth nothing as it
lives in cyberspace forever. Yeah, ya’ll got
something else to worry about now that we
didn’t have to worry about then. It’s called the
Internet. The Internet has become a
playground for evildoers…
Please young women out there, think of
yourself and your brand and your image.

Think of what people will say about you when
you’re not around. Think about stuff people
will say behind your back, what they’ll say in
your face, what you’ll have to deal with the
rest of your life. Do not make these decisions.
Stay out of the sex trade. You ain’t here for
sex, you’re here for life. God didn’t create you
for sex, he created you for life. He got things
to do for you, with you, He has things he
requires of you. You putting your most
precious gift out on display. See everything
God made, He buried deep. He made it hard
to get to. A pearl, you gotta dive to the bottom
of the ocean. All his precious minerals are
buried. Gold, you got to dig in the side of a
mountain, and way down into the ground.
Diamonds, you got to bore deep. Ain’t no
diamonds laying on the top of the ground.
They don’t grow like corn. You want oil, you
got to barrel miles into the ground to get the
precious minerals of God, and they put them
in hard to reach places. This thing that y’all
sitting on, this thing that every man got to
have, your body, that precious jewel that’s in
the most hidden place on your body. Think
about that. See, God is smart. That’s why He
put it where He put it cause it’s hard to get
to. We can’t get to it unless you show it to us
or give it to us. Think about that for a minute.
Don’t pass it around like it ain’t nothing to it,
because you’re actually sitting on a gold mine.
Please act like it, ladies. Act like you’re sitting
on a gold mine, because it’s what every man is
after, and we will pay dearly for it. Think
about that, okay?”

I can get with his point about not making such
reckless decisions as a mother of a young child
who will have to grow up and deal with the
consequences of your foolishness, but as for
not doing things because of what people will
think about you or say behind your back,
honestly, is that really as important???

if we all made every decision based on who would look
at us crazy or try to shame us, we wouldn’t do
a lot of things for ourselves. Not to say that doing the adult film is a good look (definitely
not a move I would make), but folks can’t live for outside people. But then again, I get what
he’s trying to say, because based on his book and the advice he often gives in general, Harvey is all about women keeping their
wholesomeness…while men get to do whatever
they please.

He definitely made some interesting points though.
What do you think about what he had to say?



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