15 Things On Your FacebookNewsfeed That Make You WantTo Scream

Posted on 13:06 by

1. Photos with captions that say,
“Like if you love God. Ignore if you hate God.”
This isn't written in ancient scripture anywhere, is it? "You must 'like' God on Facebook.

2. People who “like” photos with captions that say, “Like if you love God. Ignore if you hate God.”
Yeah we're talking about you, Grandma.
3. A status about how someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on them.
Save it, buddy, we know you'll be begging for them back tomorrow.
4. Selfies with completely unrelated captions.
"Spending the day with Grandma!" ... Aw, that's really nice. Wait, where is Grandma in the
5. The Brag
You know those statuses. “Life is so awesome. I just snagged a new promotion, bought a new car and
signed the lease for my new mansion. It’s hard work, but somebody’s got to be amazing. LOL!
A post making your life sound great, either you got your dream job, got your degree, love your new
apartment you’re taking off on an amazing trip, just met your favorite singer, heading out on a fun
night with friends or just had an amazing day–no matter how you look at it, is a brag!
6. The Humble Brag
What’s worse than bragging? Doing it with the intention of appearing humble. Many people disguise these brags as rants–something like, “OMG, can’t I just go to work in the morning. Three men stopped me to tell me I was beautiful and asked for my number, a man gave me his seat on the subway, telling me, ‘You’re way too gorgeous to
have to stand,’ then I get to work, just to be honked at and winked at twice before I walked in the door.
Grrrr #MenSuck!”
We get it, you’re beautiful, so the world can’t help but notice and obviously, it’s exhausting. SMH.
Don’t tell the world that, via Facebook because honestly, we don’t care. If we know you, then we
know you’re exceptionally gorgeous. We’re only friends with you in the first place to look at your
photos in the middle of the night, while eating Ben & Jerry’s.
7. Subliminal Messages.
“Something, you can be really annoying, but I’ll never stop loving you. You know who you are you.”
Does he??? If this message was so important, why not make the grand gesture of going to the person specifically and telling them?
8. People stating the obvious (to anyone who’s watching) about things happening in tonight’s sports game or the weather report.
9. People’s grades.
Come on, don't be that guy. Grades are meant for the refrigerator door, not the Facebook wall.
10. Photos of what someone is eating for dinner every night this week.
Don't get us wrong, we all love a great food pic.
But not if it's of chicken and lettuce sitting in your Tupperware container.

11. Political comments from people who.seriously don’t know what they’re talking about.12. People stating the obvious (to anyone who’s watching) about things happening in tonight’s sports game.

12. Ambiguous statuses about someone’s unhappiness.
Please, please tell me what's wrong!

13. A status about which part of their body someone is working out today.
Not only do we not care that you're going to the gym, but even less do we care which set of limbs you will be focusing on while you're
14. Some long, drawn out monologue of everything someone has been through in life and how much stronger they are for it.
We're all really happy for you, but please excuse me while I scroll past your post to find some pictures of cute puppies.
15. Updating Your Status, Literally
Often times, out days are mundane. We wake up, get dressed, go to work or about our days, go home and do it all over again.
So when you hop on Facebook first thing in the morning and say,
“Just woke up. #IWokeUpLikeThis #Flawless,” no one cares.
“Hitting the shower. That was a HARD workout.”
What do you want? A bunch of “Likes” and virtual high fives?
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