Solange's Music Sales Increases by 230% after Jay Z elevator attack

Posted on 01:43 by

You would think if you did something like this, fans and the general public will find a way to
punish you - by like not buying your music or not attending your concerts. But that's not
what's happening in Solange's case, instead she's experiencing an increase in music sales.

According to Nielsen Soundscan, the week after video footage leaked of Solange punching,
kicking and spitting on her sister's husband, Jay Z, her digital music sales jumped 233%!
The week prior to the fight footage becoming public, Solange's music sales hovered around 600 downloads but the week after the video leak, it surged to over 2000. Now it's nearing 3000 downloads
You know what they say, no publicity is bad publicity.
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