10 Things You Did Not Know AboutBlue Ivy's SHAGGY Hair

Posted on 13:38 by
Blue Ivy’s new hair style has spark alot of buzz lately.
After a photo of Beyoncé and Jay Z's daughter was released lately,it prompted many,
to swoon over the two-year-old's high level of cuteness.
However some have felt that its their responsibility to tell others how to raise their children.
One of those critics is Jasmine Toliver,even went as far as creating a Change.org petition entitled
"Comb Her Hair."
[see full details here]
she had the nerve to accuse Blue Ivy's parents Sean Carter a.k.a Jay Z and Beyoncé for failing at numerous attempts of doing Blue Ivy's hair that has escalated to the child developing matted dreads and lint balls.
However there are some things she seems to not have come in terms with.
Here are 10 things you probably did not know about Blue Ivy’s
hair styles.
1. It has NOTHING to do with you.
2. Neither your opinion nor mine should matter when it comes to what THEY want to do with THEIR child’s hair.
3. It does not matter if her hair is “kinky”, “nappy”, “curly” or anything. As long as they are not already taking chemicals and
hot combs to her hair she is fine just the way she is. She is black. She will naturally have black peoples hair. Black people, get
over it. Accept it. That is what our hair looks like.
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4. JAY Z and BEYONCE are her parents thus THEY decide what to do with THEIR child’s hair. Not you. It is not up to you. You have
no power in their decision making nor should you. You play no part in their decision making nor are they even aware of your existence… nor do they need to be.
5. There is nothing wrong with a black child wearing her natural hair. It does not matter how famous her parents are and
how much money they have. It does not cost a lot of money to be natural. Whether you like it or not, she will naturally have black people hair.
6. You should feel ashamed and embarrassed for feeling like you have a right to be so invested in their daughters look and appearance. She will never look homeless.
She will never be starving and I’m sure she’ll always be protected. As long as she stays healthy, shown love, and raised properly that is all that should matter. Not her fashion sense.
7. Spend more time invested in what YOUR children look like and how they behave when they leave the house.
8. Stop allowing the media to make you feel as though you always have a right to some strong opinion about the most trivial
matters. Just because some article poses the question like “what do YOU think of this celebrity’s new look?” does not mean you should be THAT invested into it. Learn
to have your opinion and leave it as an opinion. Too many people are literally arguing on the internet about Blue Ivy’s hair and what direction it should take as if they have a right to feel so justified in their opinion about her hair. They do not. I dont. Stop being so immersed in this stuff.
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9. Live life. Read things other than Celebrity gossip or juicy bits of drama. Stop feeling as if you have a right to know everything about celebrities lives or that your opinion really matters when it comes to things like THIS. It doesn’t. Sure have your opinion,
but just remember, it is just your opinion… no one has to agree or like it or care.
10. There are other things to be concerned about other than the ethnic “nappy” hair of a celebrity child. You should be shamed.
©Business Unplugged


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