The 15 Worst Types Of Friends You’ll Have At Some Point In Your Life

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Having a few good friends is a wonderful thing.
Good friends are there for you when you need them. They can make you laugh until you cry with inside jokes only you guys will get, they are the people you can talk to about anything and everything and they’re the ones you run to when your stupid crush is being, well, stupid.

But here’s the thing about friends: there are good ones and then there are horrible ones .
Usually these bad friends are known as frenemies, but sometimes, they’re just people
trying to be good friends but failing because they’re kind of the worst. Does that make sense?

At some point in all of your lives, you will have , or have had, one, two, maybe even 10 of these types of friends. That is a promise (although one you may not look forward to).

Here are the 15 worst types of friends you will have at some point in your life. Enjoy and know you will continue to love most of these people, even though they are  annoying:

#1. The friend who only wants to talk about herself all the time. Every single conversation you guys
have gets turned back to her immediately.

#2. The friend who is constantly in competition with you. Even though you’re not sure why, you compete back with her.

#3. The friend who swears she won’t tell anyone that huge secret you just accidentally told her in a moment of weakness, but the next day half the school knows while she tries to play Miss Innocent.

See Also: [13 Lies All Women Tell Each Other To Feel Better, Whether They Believe Them Or Not]

#4. The friend who, it seems, hangs with you just to talk crap about all of your mutual friends.
You know she has to be doing the same thing to you behind your back.

#5. The friend who begs you to go out with her because she wants a girls night, then proceeds to leave you alone wherever you are because she’s flirting with someone Cool.

#6. The friend who is constantly one-upping you. Like when you try to tell her how you’re so sad that your crush got a new GF and she’s like,
“Oh, well, listen to THIS. My crush got a new GF the day he kissed me SO it was pretty much worse than your story.”

#7. The friend who seems to only keep you around to make fun of you so that she feels better about her life. Why are you even here?

#8. The friend who doesn’t exist in your life every single time she gets a BF, yet comes running back like everything is fine when they break
up… only to find a new boyfriend and ditch you again.

#9. The friend who brags about everything. E v e r y t h i n g. Like you care.

See Also: [15 Things that Only  Women Can Get Away With That Men Can’t]

#10. The friend who asks for everything but does nothing in return. She’s always like, “Can you
give me a ride?” “Can I borrow $5?” “Can we hang at your house tonight, my parents are tired?” But when you ask for a favor back, she
conveniently always has an excuse.

#11. The crazy friend who is always partying and always pressuring you to do stuff like drink and smoke and try drugs. Get off my back, bro.

#12. The friend who ALWAYS flirts with the dudes you like, yet acts like she doesn’t. Can you just
back off?!

#13. The friend who copies every single thing you do until you want to scream. She says she likes one thing, but if you say you don’t like it, she’s like, “Actually, me neither.”

#14. The overbearing friend who gets jealous whenever you hang out with anyone but her and don’t invite her. Or you do invite her and
she spends the majority of the time
complaining about how you don’t pay enough attention to her.

#15. The flakey friend who takes full DAYS to respond to your text messages. It’s almost impossible to make plans with her and once you finally do, she inevitably cancels or
reschedules said plans.

See Also: [Stages Of a Mans Thoughts During (And After) One-Night Stands]

Do you have any of these types of friends?
Do you think you are any of these?

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