From: BLOCKEDSent: Monday, January 14, 2013 1:14PMTo: BLOCKEDSubject: Summer InternshipDear BLOCKEDMy name is (---) and I am an undergraduate finance student at (---). I met you the summer before last at Smith & Wollensky’s in New York when I was touring the east coast with my uncle, (---). I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk with me that night.I am writing to inquire about a possible summer internship in your office. I am aware it is highly unusual for undergraduates from average universities like (---) to intern at (---), but nevertheless I was hoping you might make an exception. I am extremely interested in investment banking and would love nothing more than to learn under your tutelage. I have no qualms about fetching coffee, shining shoes or picking up laundry, and will work for next to nothing. In all honesty, I just want to be around professionals in the industry and gain as much knowledge as I can.I won’t waste your time inflating my credentials, throwing around exaggerated job titles, or feeding you a line of crapp (sic) about how my past experiences and skill set align perfectly for an investment banking internship. The truth is I have no unbelievably special skills or genius eccentricities, but I do have a near perfect GPA and will work hard for you. I’ve interned for Merrill Lynch in the Wealth Management Division and taken an investment banking class at (---), for whatever that is worth.I am currently awaiting admission results for (---) Masters of Science in Accountancy program, which I would begin this fall if admitted. I am also planning on attending law school after my master’s program, which we spoke about in New York. I apologize for the blunt nature of my letter, but I hope you seriously consider taking me under your wing this summer. I have attached my resume for your review. Feel free to call me at (---) or email at (---). Thank you for your time.Sincerely,---
While Nicki Minaj was spitting out lyrics to her new single, a snake was taking a bite out of one of her dancers.
A slithering 6-foot-long snake bit the dancer during a Friday rehearsal of a song she’ll perform at the MTV Video Music Awards, according to TMZ.
The snake was a Boa constrictor, according to the Los Angeles County fire department.
The dancer was taken to a hospital in case she was infected after the reptile chomped on her during a run-through performance of Minaj’s
new hit, “Anaconda.”
“It was just to make sure she was okay,” Capt.
Rory Brunner of the l.a fire department, added that the snake scare “wasn’t that big of a deal” because it wasn’t venomous.
Boa constrictors are nonvenomous snakes. Someone somehow managed to corral the snake
into a container.
It remained unclear whether the creepy creature would still be part of the show when it airs live
Sunday night, according to the gossip site.
©Business Unplugged
Corazon kwamboka recently celebrated her birthday and apparently the cakestole the show.
it was a Cake that resembles her infamous 'Cakes'.
River Road is like like a small china. the can create or better yet replicate anything and everything.
with the ebola fears high at the moment some people have already found an opportunity in it.
Check out this guy selling the dvds:
we are all used to lady gaga's crazy sense of style but this has to be the craziest.
even I cant imagine anyone wearing that.
it resemble a 'huge black Dick'..
Check it out:
apparently even vera sidika's handbag takes the shape of her 'business'.
it shows a subliminal outline of part of the female anatomy that she uses to bring home the bacon.
Check it out for yourself.
Former Presidential aspirant Kingwa Kamencu has kept the media busy with her never ending
theatrics. When she’s not advocating for an underwear free Africa, she’s getting arrested for
burning her neighbours’ underwears.
She once invited her ‘supporters’ for a party only to end up alone.
I think she has now decided to go the socialite way. On Friday, she posted on Facebook a photo of herself completely nude.
Socialite turned video vixen, Risper Faith, has for the past week been on the receiving end of irate Kenyans after the release of ‘Money
Maker’ by Blaqy.
In the video, Risper shakes and exposes her huge derriere which many found distasteful and Ghetto prompting a major lash out at her on social media.
Well, it seems the ridicule is not over yet as a photo of what seems like a ‘giant pantie’ found its way into social media with the caption: Guys
I found where Risper Faith lives
Check out the hilarious photo:
The only thing that hurts more than a hangover is realization that you’ve just slept with a friend and you now to have to deal with the giant sex-elephant in the room.
Check out the guide below to proceed as best as you can:
The morning after the night before
Accept it and acknowledge it. I’m all about weaseling my out of situations and am not opposed to climbing out of the window and repressing a memory or two, but unfortunately, this isn’t just a stranger who will go down in your personal history as a funny story.You have each other’s numbers; you’re Facebook friends; you’re actual friends andyou will almost definitely see each other again.
So, address the situation immediately and acknowledge that you were mentally present when it all went down. Casually mention that last night was fun and do a thumbs-up (everyone loves a visual aide).Depending on how you feel, you’ll either need to head into friend-zone mode… or reserve a wedding reception venue.
Setting the “we” or “me” tone
After awkward pleasantries and acknowledgement of the past night, you’ll need to establish the direction of the day. Because, believe it or not, how the next few hours progress will mean something.If you’re in love, clear your schedule and conjoin your bank accounts.
If, however, you’re not so taken with the previous night,you’ll need to set the tone — quickly.Begin by casually mentioning the many errands you need to run during the day; don’t be a jerk about it, but do be firm withyour wording.“Me” and “I” are your friends, while“we” will lead to an afternoon of walking through the park with juice and scones.
Again, depending on your feelings, you’ll either want to announce the news to the world or lock it deep away in the vault of your past. If it’s the latter, a verbal agreement of “let’s just keep this to ourselves” is enough.Mutual friends are great when you’re dating, but in situations like these, they will likely make things worse.
Re-establishing the friendship dynamic
In the days and weeks following the sex, it’s important to reinforce the friend zone by doing your best to revert back to your pre-sex dynamic.He’ll get the picture — so long as you’re notsimultaneously inviting him to attend weddings with you or asking for his opinionon which bra to buy via picture message.
Most likely, the dynamic will quickly settle if you’re not too weird about it, and even if you are feeling weird, fake it until you make it.However, if things got a little heavy and you said a bit too much, or you got drunk and transformed into the obnoxiously loud girl who smokes the wrong end of a cigarette, it might be time for a friendship hiatus.
Switch into damage-control mode and scale back your friendship until you feel more in control of the situation or you’ve ignored enough of his messages in a row for him to get the hint.
Testing the waters
After the enforced cool-off period, it’s time to come out from hiding and make contact (just not the full-body type). Since you’re friends, you’ll undoubtedly be seeing each other sooner rather than later, so when that moment comes, you need to approachit head on.
If you’re lucky, he’ll have since had a whirlwind romance with a girl who reachedfor the same orange at the supermarket, and all of the work will be done for you.He’s over it, you’re over it and everyone can move on.
However, if you’re both still available and there’s a distinct sense of longing and desire in his eyes, you need to ease yourself back into the role of unavailable friend. Affection of any type is off the table.In “When Harry Met Sally,” Billy Crystal says that men and women can’t be just friends “because the sex part always gets in the way.” That much is true, especially if you have sex.Sex is to friendships as icebergs are to ships, but if dealt with correctly, your friendship might live to tell the tale.
Confine your relationship to platonic, preferably sober environments, and if that’s not doable, just learn to recognize the point at which your better judgemnt took a mini vacation.After all that, if it happens again, you’ll either need a reality check or a better game plan. Only God and Oprah can help you now.
Business Unplugged
Sometimes you get an itch you just have to scratch.
And when this elephant’s case saw a car full of tourists approaching, he saw the perfect opportunity.
Two terrified occupants of a VW Polo found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time
as the giant animal stooped down to rub itself against the vehicle’s roof and bonnet.
The incredible scene was captured by field guide and lodge manager Armand Grobler, 21, at Pilanesburg National Park in South Africa.
Ladies are normally incredible human beings, capable of amazing feats.
howevever, there are female behaviors that are just totally not OK. And yet, women somehow think we’ll get away with it…
Sorry,but you woun't. Here are the top female behaviors that are just totally not OK.
1. Wearing leggings to work
until the Parliament accepts leggings-as-pants as constitutional, then employers reserves the
right to bar them from any activities not involving a treadmill.
2. Having your boyfriend show up
to girl’s night
A surefire way to get everyone in your group dramatically disappointed in you is to bring your
boyfriend on a girl’s night.
For about 85 percent of the time, girls nyt out is all about the D. For that other 15 percent of the time,
we’re flash dancing to Pitbull, taking countless group selfies and screaming how much we love
each other.
Let’s not ruin this love fest by bringing a boyfriend into the mix (who probably doesn’t want to be there either).
3. Saying you’re not hungry and
then eating everyone else’s food
This is just plain wrong. At least intimate to the crew that you’re going to graze on their meals,
so the rest of us can stop pretending like we don’t mind your fingers in our food.
Grab a fork, or better yet, order something for yourself. Good talk.
4. Wearing heels to a party
and then complaining the whole
Please don’t ruin a perfectly good Justin Timberlake concert by crying a river about your feet. No judgment on the barefoot alternative — walk on the wild side.
5. Flirting with your friend’s boyfriend
Sometimes you need to ask yourself, “Is this kind of behavior worthy of a reality TV show?” and
then do the opposite.
6. Twirling your hair on a job
Nothing says, “I’m not confident in my abilities” like nervously twirling your hair in front of your
potential boss.
Fidgeting with your strands might have landed you an internship, but this is the big leagues where lady bosses wear buns and blazers.
Like your grade school teacher always told you:
Keep your hands to yourself.
7. Posting pictures on Facebook
of famous models who you think
look like you
Yes, we are sad to report but this is actually occurring across news feeds worldwide. this is a totally 'Vera sidika move' .Ladies, you don’t need to look like anyone but yourself.
And if you do happen to resemble Gisele, don’t post it. Chances are we all already know and hate you for it.
8. Not being able to take a. compliment
You think receiving compliments is awkward, we get it. But you know what’s even more uncomfortable?
The needless back-and-forth that goes on until we insist that you finally accept it. Say “Thank
you.” It’s easier.
© Business Unplugged
Sometime back Vera sidika posted a fake photo of an alleged pregnancy.
However Kenyan being Kenyans,always find humor in everything.
The endowed socialite apparently has plans to put her big booty in use when she finally get a baby of her own. She has come up with a very unconventional but creative means of carrying her baby.
Check it out