Peter Thiel Is Building His Own City in the Ocean

Posted on 09:49 by

also related: google billionaire wants to mine asteroids.

also read: billionaire who wants to make you immortal

Billionaire Peter Thiel likes to dream big: He tried to create a global currency, which hasn't worked out so well (yet) . Then he created PayPal, which worked out famously, because people need to transfer money around online and also sometimes buy illicit things from strangers.

He went on to become one of Facebook's first investors, with a half-million- dollar cash injection .

Today Thiel is worth about $1.6 billion, and now he wants to build his own city on the open ocean. No potential dangers we can think of here ... And he's not going to stop at just one; he wants many micro-nations that will usher in a new way of living.

He plans to launch the first of these floaters just off the coast of San Francisco as soon as possible to test the concept. Ultimately, Thiel hopes to see millions upon millions of people living out at sea by mid-century. It'll be a boon for pirates, if nothing else. These communities would be situated on giant, several-thousand-ton rig structures that would be diesel-powered and therefore free to move around if pesky clouds are "blocking out Peter's sun." And just to be clear about the real benefits, these floating communities would be an exercise in unconventional forms of small-scale government .

Since the communities would exist outside the borders of any and all recognized nations, the micro-nations would be libertarian utopias: no welfare, no minimum wage, light regulations, and, we assume, re- heeeeeallly lax drug laws.

Furthermore, with more than hundreds of miles of uninterrupted sea between you and civilization, you'd be privy to the most depraved sex acts ever concocted inside a human brain.

Today the project has officially been named Blueseed, and they are actively doing environmental impact studies, conducting sustainability research, designing the ships/ countries, and raising funds. And raising funds. And raising funds. Apparently building a floating country is expensive. But work is moving forward, and they recently just received a major investment in the form of Bitcoins.


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