Woman Shoots Boyfriend For Not Ejaculating Enough, Assumes He Must Be Cheating

Posted on 02:58 by

According to RawStory.com, a 58-year-old Sadie Bell of Southfield, Michigan arrested in after shooting her 60-year-old boyfriend Edward Lee in the stomach for cheating on her, but recently revealed facts about the case has thrust the incident back into the spotlight.
While Bell certainly isn’t the first person to use violence to cope with her spouse’s alleged unfaithfulness, the rationale she used to support to attack leaves a bit to be desired.
Assistant Prosecutor Paul Walton summarized Bell’s statement to the police after the shooting:
"She was convinced he was having an affair. She reached this conclusion by the fact that he didn’t produce enough ejaculate. So she shot him in the stomach."
While Lee’s ensuing surgeries and five-week hospital stay were definitely real, there is no evidence to support Bell’s claim besides her own personal intuition.
On June 26, she was sentenced to 10 years in prison for “intent to do great bodily harm” and is currently appealing the decision.
It is unclear if Bell is aware that sexual intercourse is not the only way for a male to produce semen.

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