a poultry farmers success story

Posted on 06:44 by

Meet Michael, 27 years from Mwihoko
in the sub-burbs of Nairobi who after
hustling and running helter skelter
with the city askaris ("kanju") in
Nairobi decided to venture into
farming. With an initial capital of
1,500, Michael would buy well selected
clothes popularly known us "camera"
from Gikomba he would set his display
using cartons at commercial in Nairobi.

But with the hide and seek game with
kanju, tear gas and many arrests by
the kanju he decided to quite hawking
to a better enterprise with a better

Michael started this by visiting a good
poultry farmer whom inspired him by
the achievement and investment the
farmer was making from poultry

Michael decided that he
would be a poultry farmer!!
With the little saving of ksh 7,000 from
his hawking, Michael bought a few
chicken and cocks which he was
keeping in the corridor. After selling
them he was able to make a net profit
of ksh 3,000 which encouraged to
improve his business by buying more
chicken from the rural farmers and
constructed a better house for the

For the last two years Michael is able
to buy, rear kienjenji chicks and
chicken with a regular stock hundred
chickens and chicks which he supplies
to his customers by order.

From this business Michael has been
to sustain his family and constructed
two small rent houses in Maringo he
has diversified to dairy farming..
Michael who keeps record of every
activity he does from his poultry
business says that can not even
sustain the demand of the kienyenji
chicks and chicken.

The greatest challenge he has like any
other young farmer is to get loan from
commercial Banks for agri-business. He
has approached various bank who
usually tell him they need to study
how his business goes for the next 6
months even after banking with them
for more than 2 years!!!

original arricle appeared on mkulimayoung.com

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