you dont need huge tracts of land to make it in farming and this south c farmer confirms it

Posted on 06:39 by

Meet Mary and Obedi Moseti a young
couple in late 20s, who resides in
Nairobi South C estate and utilizing
their quarter plot of land which as
been idle awaiting development. As
the other people are struggling to put
up big houses in Ruai 26 the Moseti's
are earning from their "plot farm"
which has 2 greenhouses, 200
indigenous chicken, 35 rabbits, 92 pigs
and 5,000 plants of strawberry.

Obed a graduate of Bsc Biotechnology
from JKUAT and also finalizing his
Masters in Finance from Kenyatta
University while Mary is a graduate of
Human Resource from KEMU and she is
clearing her Masters in Counseling
Psychology in Daystar University have a
passion in agriculture.

After experiencing food poisoning from
restaurant food the Obedis decided to
be getting their own home grown white
meat. With a capital of ksh 12,000 the
couple constructed a poultry house
and bought few kienyenji chicken for
their domestic use in their plot. As the
time went by there was more than
enough chicken for their consumption
they started selling the excess eggs
and chicken to their neighbors and
colleagues. The demand of their
chicken increased and they realized
that there was potential their small
plot of of land to accommodate other

Ruai 26 has a problem of water and so
the Mosetis decided to dig a well of
130 feet and they pump water using a
pump. Their two greenhouses have 6
different varieties of tomatoes that
include: Roma, San Marzano, Cherries,
beefsteak and yellow pear. These are
varieties that are not commonly grown
by farmers especially the cherries that
are eaten as fruits. They utilize their
balcony in South C for nursery
propagation and then transfer the
seedlings to the farm.

The have also kept different breeds of
rabbit that include Dutch, Flemish
giant, Earlops and New Zealand white
while the pigs breeds are Landrace
and Gloucestershire.

original arricle appeared on

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