
11 Apr 2014

10 Weird Things People Do Because They Love (or Hate) Justin Bieber

People have accused Justin Bieber of being spoiled, narcissistic, and insensitive. And now... 
Accuse Him of Being a Reptile


People have accused Justin Bieber of being spoiled, narcissistic, and insensitive. And now... being a reptile? Yes, there are a group of people who believe the world is populated and run by a group of elite, shape-shifting lizards. Now they're accusing Justin of being one of them, due to what appears to be his eyes changing color during a recent court appearance that was broadcast on Fox News and sent the conspiracy theorists into a tizzy.

Petition to Get Him Deported Back to Canada

The website of the U.S. White House has a section where any citizen can create a petition for possible review by the government, provided they receive enough signatures.

Naturally, there have been petitions that have been reasonable as well as ones that are insane. The Bieber-haters created one requesting that Justin, who is Canadian, be deported back to his home country. The White House claims that 100,000 signatures are needed in order for a petition to be reviewed, but Deport Bieber has over 267,000 and still no word from Obama.

Use His Song “Baby” as Torture To Raise Money

Perhaps taking a cue from the U.S. government, which used intense or annoying songs as a form of torture on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, a high school in Washington State recently started playing Justin Bieber's song “Baby” incessantly during lunch and break periods to drive people crazy. In this case, they are giving their detainees (aka students) a way to make it stop – donate money for a school of orphans in Africa.

As of March 10, 2014, the students of Tenino High School have donated $332 – a good amount – but still short of the $500 goal to make it stop. (Source 1 | Source 2 | Photo)

Get $100,000 of Plastic Surgery to Look Like HIm

Imma Be Bieber

There are Beliebers (die-hard Justin Bieber fans) and then there's... well, this guy. Tony Sheldon, an aspiring singer from Los Angeles has allegedly spent $100,000 in plastic surgery to look more like his idol. He started tweaking his facial features in 2008, and the above picture is how he looks today. ''I can definitely look back and say all those surgeries were really successful,” he was quoted as saying.
(Source | Photo)

Charge Him $11,000 for Abandoning His Monkey

(From Left to Right: Justin Bieber, Mally)

As he's grown up in the public eye, Justin Bieber's antics have become more and more outrageous. Like one of his heroes Michael Jackson, Justin also had a pet simian, a capuchin named Mally. On a tour stop in 2013, Biebs tried to sneak Mally into Germany but officials caught him and quarantined the animal. Justin subsequently abandoned his little friend (who is now reportedly happily living in a wildlife sanctuary) and the German government is trying to get him to pony up $11,000 for the animal's care. (Source)

Convince Beliebers To Shave Their Heads

The tweets (and twits) of #baldforbieber

Beliebers will do anything for their hero and a few of the more gullible ones were convinced to shave their heads, thanks to 4chan, an anonymous group of pranksters. They posted to a fake Twitter account claiming to be Justin Bieber announcing he has cancer and encouraging fans to go #baldforbieber in a show of support. The fake news was picked up by Entertainment Tonight and dozens of fans posted pictures of their newly-shaved melons before the fraud was exposed.

Pay Over $40,000 for a Lock of His Hair

That's a pricey box o' hair!

Speaking of hair, if Justin Bieber shaved off all of his locks, he could probably make a fortune (or at least add millions to his already sizable bank account). As a gift to Ellen DeGeneres on her birthday, he put a clip of his hair on eBay to help raise money for the Gentle Barn Foundation, her favorite animal rescue organization. The winning bid: $40,668.
(Source | Via)

Fight Over Him in a Hockey Match

A picture tweeted by Chicago Command Transportation Center

Usually people play a sporting match and the winner gets the prize. In the case of the recent Winter Olympics USA vs. Canada Hockey semifinal match, there was a different sort of wager: the loser would get to "keep" Justin Bieber (who, as you recall from #2 is Canadian).

Of course this was more of a joke than a real bet, but the hashtag #LoserGetsBieber went viral. The USA lost the game, causing extra celebration for Bieber-hating Canucks.
(Source | Photo)

Use Him to Promote Christianity

When Justin Bieber's concert film Never Say Never! came out, his mother Pattie Mallette wrote and published a pamphlet that was meant to be a tie-in to the movie and emphasize the Bieber family's strong Christian faith. The pamphlet was entitled “Never Say Never: Nothing is Impossible with God” and was sent to churches and ministers around the US to possibly help them lure Bieber's fans into the religion. (Source | Via)

Look Like Him (Even Though They're Lesbians)


We've seen the lengths some fans will go to look like their idol, but here's a (gender) twist: a website consisting of photos of lesbians who purposely try to resemble him. The site is called “Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber (But Make Better Life Choices)” and is filled with selfies of lesbians who are both proud of their sexuality and their Justin Bieber fanaticism.

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