
30 Apr 2014

OMG FACTS: Workers in Apple's iPad Factories are forced to sign Anti-Suicide contracts!!!

You are NOT allowed to commit suicide: Workers in Chinese iPad factories forced to sign anti suicide pledges
After a spate of suicides last year, managers at the factories ordered new staff to sign pledges
that they would not attempt to kill themselves,according to researchers.

And they were made to promise that if they did, their families would only seek the legal
minimum in damages.
■ Excessive overtime is routine, despite a
legal limit of 36 hours a month. One payslip,
seen by the Observer, indicated that the
worker had performed 98 hours of overtime in a month.
■ Workers attempting to meet the huge
demand for the first iPad were sometimes
pressured to take only one day off in 13.
■ In some factories badly performing workers
are required to be publicly humiliated in
front of colleagues.
■ Crowded workers’ dormitories can sleep up
to 24 and are subject to strict rules. One
worker told the NGO investigators that he was
forced to sign a “confession letter” after
illicitly using a hairdryer. In the letter he
wrote: “It is my fault. I will never blow my
hair inside my room. I have done something
wrong. I will never do it again.”
An investigation of the 500,000 workers by the
Centre for Research on Multinational Companies
and Students & Scholars Against Corporate
Misbehaviour (Sacom) found appalling
conditions in the factories
■ In the wake of a spate of suicides at
Foxconn factories last summer, workers were
asked to sign a statement promising not to
kill themselves and pledging to “treasure
their lives”.

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