Vladimir Putin hates the Internet because it is just 50% porn!!!

Posted on 02:40 by
Vladimir Putin hates everything about the Internet except 'Website Vladimir’
He has hated the Internet since at least 2010.
That year, after allegations of corruption
surfaced online, Putin delivered an impassioned
screed against the Internet.

He denied ever
using the medium himself and expressed
bafflement at why Russians seemed so keen on
it. “On the Internet, 50 percent is porn
material,” he confided. “Why should we refer
to the Internet?” He then laid out this simile:
“A political system shouldn’t wobble like liquid
jelly every time it’s touched.”
But later, in 2012, as he campaigned to reclaim
the presidency, he unveiled “Website Vladimir
Putin.” The page showed, among other things,
pictures of Putin fishing , rafting in a power
boat , taming what appears to be a tiger ,
playing hockey , driving small cars and
stretching in his judo outfit. Some
Russians, according to Radio Free Europe,
weren’t as enthralled with Putin’s many
interests as he.
The Russia State Duma adopted on Tuesday new legislation aimed at “Internet users called bloggers.” Any
blog that clocks more than 3,000 daily
visitors must now register with the state body
for media oversight. Those blogs now need to
verify information for accuracy and will be held
accountable for any third-party comment
posted on their sites or social media.
Pavel Durov, the founder of Russia’s equivalent
of Facebook, announced he had been fired from
his job as CEO and that the social network is
now under “full control” of oligarchs
belonging to Putin’s inner circle. Durov
then fled the country.
Thursday, Putin was still complaining about the
Internet. Beyond voicing concerns over alleged
CIA involvement, he also took aim at Yandex, a
search engine that’s bigger in Russia than
Google. He complained that the company was
registered in the Netherlands ”not only for tax
reasons but for other considerations, too.”
After Putin was done lambasting all things
Internet, Russian tech stocks did this
source: The Washington post

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