
29 May 2014

Maendeleo ya Wanaume Chairman Facing Challenges After Naming His Son JESUS

Maendeleo ya Wanaume Chairman Nderitu Njoka is an angry man, and it has nothing to do with his demanding job.
The Presbyterian church PCEA, has refused to baptize his seven month old baby boy because he is called Jesus.

 Nderitu wanted his son to be baptised Jesus Njoka Njoka, but the Presbyterian Church of East Africa in Nyeri declined his requests.
This is not the first time the name choice is bringing issues. Apparently, nurses at the hospital where ‘baby Jesus’ was born refused to indicate the name on the birth certificate, forcing him to write it himself.
“I was very disappointed when the hospital declined and how the nurses treated me, but I did not reveal the ordeal to the management fearing to tarnish their name, yet I can write the name in my son’s birth certificate,” he told The Nairobian newspaper.
“When I took the child to be baptised in church, they told me I am insane. I am still shocked why the clergymen refused.” he said.
Njoka says that he just wanted to demonstrate his deep christian faith by naming his son after the Son of God.
He has written a letter to the National Council of Churches, telling them that together with his family, he has ceased attending the PCEA church. He argues that the name is common in some God fearing countries and therefore there should be no big deal.
“After all, the name is common in Portugal, Spain, and Mexico which are God fearing. My call is to Christians to start naming their sons Jesus since by doing this they will be preaching gospel of Jesus Christ to the world without hypocrisy.”
It will be interesting how this develops.

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