
9 May 2014

What A Man's Facial Hair Says About Him

Dove Men+Care facial grooming expert and author, the confidence of a mustache-wearing male like "Sons of Anarchy" star Charlie Hunnam is turning women on.
according to Dr. Allan Peterkin, a pogonologist (aka beard scholar),
however here is a compilation of other kinds of facial hair and what they say about you.
 Does this facial hair expert have you all figured out?*

A man making a pathetic cry for attention. "It's for a guy who wants to push the envelope and also wants to be asked about his facial hair. Everything has been done under the sun, so I think men are sort of looking for what's the thing that they don't see on their street or in their workplace."
 A man with a pleasant personality. "We think of barbershop quartets, southern gentleman and the famous baseball player Rollie Fingers... this sort of old fashion, sipping tea on the porch kind of association."

An "older" man's beard. "I think the association for a lot of people is that it's scholarly beard, or academics often have those beards. Full beards also have religious associations (think of Moses or Jesus). So that one comes with a lot of historical weight. It's a bit of an old-fashioned style but we certainly see young men wearing it these days."
 A man who is rebellious. "This one was always thought of as the biker mustache and then the wrestler. Or whenever a famous person like Hulk Hogan adopts the style, it becomes associated with him."
 A man who is a bit preppy. "Before, men used to be wed to a look, it was a life-long expression and not a fad. I think young men are going back and forth between having some sort of facial hair and now going clean-shaven. I think men are freer to do that then before. And I predict that we're going to go back to that 'Mad Men,' clean-shaven look."
A man who likes to have fun. "Everyone thinks of Elvis when they think side burns. I think college campuses and hipsters in Brooklyn are where men experiment with it the most. It's a playful look."
 A man who is a bit cocky. "Historically, it's had the baddest rap of all the facial hair expressions. Then in the '70s, the mustache took on a sexual connotation -- there was the swinger mustache, the porn mustache and then the gay/bisexual mustache. The mustache comes with all that baggage, but it's eased up recently because of charity movements like Movember. I think younger guys who wear it are confident enough to believe that you can read their mustache in any way and not really care."

 A man who is up on the latest trends. "If you just scan men's magazines -- Esquire, GQ, etc. -- probably every one to three ads have a guy with stubble as the main expression. Sometimes you see it superimposed with a mustache on top or with bigger side burns, but stubble is sort of the base. The only misconception is that people think that it's easy and you just roll out of bed. But you do have to maintain it."

via huffpost

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