
4 Jun 2014

15 HILARIOUS Memes Only Lazy People Can Relate To

1. sitting there in your towel because you dont feel like putting on clothes.

2. you wear this so that you dont have to clean the house

3. Ignoring texts for hours and days at a time not because you hate people, but because you just really don’t want to have to lie about what you’re doing to get out of having to go out. (But also kind of because you hate people too.)

4. you read your books like this (The Automatic Book Reading Chair -Warning: Does Not Read Book For You)
5, you use this ab enhancer to get those abs you always wanted.

6. you wish there was technology  to like pee on your behalf and answer the door when your food arrives. #TheStruggle.

7.this is how you prefer to answer your exam questions... got an excuse irregardless of the weather

9. this is how you understand when you given homework to read.

10. You’re the kind of person who would rather keep the TV on all night than have to get out of bed to turn it off. This is a hypothetical scenario of which literally applies to many things in your life.

11.when you make it to your morning classes,you skip the rest of the day as a reward. stole the answers for your exams but coudnt get yourself to read it.

14. you take your assignment requirement literally.

15. You overslept for an afternoon class.

-Business Unplugged

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