
4 Jul 2014

14 'Bad Boy' Traits That Women Just Can't Resist

They're famed as much for their work and talent as they are for their dark traits, then be it their womanising behaviour or for being
moody, aggresive and tempremental.

Yet there's something about such 'bad boys' that makes them insanely likeable to the opposite

The intersting thing about bad
boy is that they exude a kind of untamed masculinity, confidence and independence that women absolutely dig.

And just like a woman's feminine charms turn a man on, this overt
masculinity is almost like a natural aphrodisiac for the ladies.

1: A Bad Boy sets his own rules

The difference between a Bad Boy and a Nice Guy (like you) is that he has learned to survive in a tough world that constantly judges him and rejects him because he doesn't meet society's standard of a "good boy".

Women, like all other animals find those of the opposite sex who display great survival skills to be superior. Seeing a man wake up every morning, stand strong, stake his claim, take his chances, put his life on the line even in hostile environments is just sexy to
the dizzy limit. It shows that you have your life together and enjoy being alive.

2: A Bad Boy is nobody's punk

As much as you may treat a woman with respect ,a woman will most definately not find a wimp attractive.

One of the most important characteristics of any bad boy is their "don’t take crap” attitude. Bad boys display a of alpha male dominance.

They have a presence to screams tough guy. It’s a major turn on and a big reason girls like bad guys.
bad boy leather suit

3: A Bad Boy does not pretend to be a saint

We know you are the "good" guys. You don't have to try so hard to prove just how "good" you are. That puppy-like ("please, please, love me") trying so hard to please
is too good to a fault.

There is only so much "sweetness" that a woman can take before she throws up -- or blows up.

Woman want to see that you accept yourself as you are -- the good, bad and ugly. A guy who accepts himself as he is, is unlikely to critic the womans errors, stumbles, weaknesses, scars, and warts so harshly because he knows he is not perfect either.

4: A Bad Boy is never afraid to stand up for what he believes is right

a Nice Guy strongly believes in right and wrong, However women just want a guy Stand up for us them,and I mean all of the time even when they are in the wrong.

Every woman (even those who claim to be independent and self-reliant) wants to know that her man will Have her back someone tries to mess with her (even if it's monster-in-law).

5. He’s a protector.

This goes along with the whole
idea of bad boys not being wimps. If a bad boy will kick someone’s ass for disrespecting him, imagine
what he’ll do to preserve the honor of his lady?

a woman believes that if she can
catch a bad guy, he’ll be her knight in shining ar without all of the wimpy chick flick flare.

6. A Bad Boy is Exciting, with several twists and turns (and a few surprises)

Nice Guys are reliable and consistent. They are also so consistently predictable that women can almost read their (boring) minds. When one knows everything, there is nothing left to discover. No more surprises, no more wonder, no more passion.

Bad boys are exciting because you
never really know what they’re going to do. Peering into the unknown can be alluring enough to make woman chase after a bad guy.

7. Ego boost.

Imagine how great a woman would feel if she was the one to catch him? Nabbing a bad boy ain’t easy
They aren’t the settling down type. Every chick at some point wants a bad boy and wants to be the that catches him says a lot about the girl.

8: A Bad Boy believes in himself - and his sex appeal

Our society has somehow succeeded in divorcing "Nice Guys" from their sexuality: where good =boring, bad =sexy.

What we now have are men who want to be seen as "good men" but are afraid and even feel guilty and ashamed of their own sexual
nature,always seeing other guys as better looking, sexier and more attractive, but you... never good enough.

Bad Boys have none of that. They do not compare themselves with "Good Guys" or try to be who they are not. They love being the "bad" guys.

There is nothing sexier than a man who believes in himself and is not
afraid to unleash his unique individual sex appeal.
You are not going to live forever, why not go out with a huge smile on your face. Hmm?

#9. They are confident

Yes, bad boys wouldn't be able to pull off half their antics if they weren't brimming with confidence. The intersting this is that this
attitude of confidence overflows into everything that they do, be it the friends they make, the food they eat, the car or bike they drive, the way they drive, the way they order their drinks and even the way they talk to other women,
even though the girlfriend may be just a step behind.

And no matter what, such overt
confidence is a major major turn on for women.

#10. They are indifferent

They just don't give a damn. Rule books are not applicable to them and when it comes to getting things done, it's either their way of the highway.

You can't expect to change him, or set.him straight as they make their rules and believe that life is to be lived on the edge.
Take it or leave it, that's the attitude they flaunt and that's one reason why they fare so well with women.

According to them, if they aren't living on the wild side, they aren't living at all. Bad boys are always testing the boundaries and pushing the envelope when it comes to their life and women just
can't get enough of this attitude.

11. They are challenging.

women dig men who are a good challenge. As for the mysterious streak, contrary to popular belief
that women love the tried and tested, the guessing game actually given them a high like no other.

12. They are very masculine

This often goes hand-in-hand with being confident, indifferent, exciting, adventurous... etc.
Bad boys are often rugged and in-control.

That doesn't mean that they are controlling, they just know how to get what they want without breaking into a sweat. They speak
clearly and confidently, they look you in the eye, they are passionate about what they believe in... but most importantly, they still know how to treat a lady and make her feel good.

13. They give women a feeling of power

It's rightly said that the illusion of control is often more powerful than power itself. And when it comes to bad boys, they exude an air of power like no other, thus giving their women an air of strength and togetherness.

Also, this power high does eventually rub off, even if just
a bit, on their woman, too... and she laps it up!

14. They know how to talk to women

One of the main reasons why these macho men are such chick magnets is because they are so
confident, especially when it comes to chatting up females. They give out this 'don't give a damn' attitude and are knowledgeable of
almost every topic under the sun.

That's not all, they are not afraid of putting across their opinion or making their point. Most importantly, they know how to woo a woman and her feel good with words. Smooth-talkers, they can waltz their way in and out of situation is style and panache and consequently set.hearts racing.

© Business Unplugged

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