
2 Jul 2014

20 Ways To Know You Are a High Maintenance Woman

High maintenance girls often get a bad rep as being bitchy, spoiled and rude. And sometimes,
that’s true.
When your high-maintenance tendencies impact other people, like keeping them waiting while
you get ready, it’s gone too far. You should stop.
So long as you’re charming, you can be as high maintenance as you like, while not being universally hated.
Here’s how you know you are absolutely, 100 percent high maintenance.
1. You’re always in heels.
Heels so high, in fact, that you’re incapable of walking two blocks. The more shoes with red soles you own, the better.
Cabs have become your best friends.
Running for the bus isn’t an option, but that’s fine because, obviously, you’d never take the bus.
2. You have a permanent manicure.
This renders your hands basically useless for mundane tasks and menial labor.
It falls to your boyfriend, cleaner or roommate to do the washing up because you just got a fresh coat of Ballet Slippers applied today and no one’s messing with that.
3. You always demand that car doors be held open for you
In fact, sometimes you’re vaguely concerned you may forget how to open them yourself, it’s been so long. But, that’s what drivers are for. Plus, you tip like a boss and every cab driver loves you.
4. Likewise, actual doors.
There was that one time you stood stupidly for seven minutes outside a walkup building, because you couldn’t quite believe there was no
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Luckily, you look great while doing nothing, and people are happy to hold your doors, purses and
whatever else you desire.
5. You struggle with financial independence.
You appreciate good food and fine wine, but when you appreciate these on a nightly basis, paying becomes a problem.
Happily, you always look good and provide vibrant conversation.
You are the proof that high maintenance does not mean dumb. There is no shortage of suitors.
6. You can be a little needy…
But that’s because you really, really love your friends and get stressed when you don’t hear
from them. Yes, you may rely on your friends to come up with the activities.
And, yes, you appreciate a speedy reply to your texts. But, you extend the same courtesy.
7. Your man gets nervous when you tell him you need to shop.
It’s not like you throw money away.
You only use it to look good and make things around you look good. But your man thinks you’re just
wasting money.
8. You have hair extensions.
Including brows and lashes, obviously. In a combination of attempting to be down with the
people and truly caring about your hairdresser’svboyfriend’s mother, you are on first-name terms with everyone in the salon.
All the better to get an emergency appointment when an eyelash is slightly out of place.
9. You have a teeny dog
…Whom you love more than life itself. You veer toward the Maltese/Yorkshire Terrier/any handbag dog variety, and treat her like a princess.
No tap for this bitch, the dog drinks
the same water as you — Fiji, room temperature.
10. You want everything to be perfect.
And if it’s not, you want your man to fix it for you. You don’t depend on your man for everything, but you do expect him to treat you like his queen.
11. You enjoy attention.
Walking into a room and not seeing heads turn isn’t something you have ever experienced or
think you’d particularly enjoy.
12. You No Clue public transport exists.
You’ve never seen the inside of either, and you’re fairly confident
you’re not missing out.
13. You have been called “self important.”
But you prefer to think of yourself as secure and confident. You know what you do and don’t bring
to the table, and fully embrace who you are.
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It just so happens that you are hotter, smarter
and a more interesting person than many girls you know. And aren’t afraid to vocalize this.
14. You notice accessories.
You notice when your boyfriend gets a new watch and when your mom gets a new purse. Your
friends love to shop with you — you’re nothing if not discerning.
15. You love all products,
primping and grooming.
Your bathroom looks like the inside of a Clarins store, the girls at the Bobbi Brown counter have met three members of your immediate family and you may as well buy stock in Kerastase.
Yes, you love to shop and yes, you have expensive taste. But you’re crazy generous and your friends love to get ready at your house.
16. You don’t understand the word “no.”
This applies to literally everything… be it getting a restaurant reservation, asking to leave work early or asking your parents for an expensive birthday present.
In your world, “no” is what people say before they eventually say “yes.”
17. You can’t step out of the house without your makeup.
You hate revealing any flaws, be it on your complexion or in any other aspect of your life. You like looking like a glam goddess no matter where you are.
18. You have more guys friends *admirers*.
You think you’re a fun girl. But most girls usually hate you or think you’re a snob. Guys love your company, but girls usually excuse themselves from you in the middle of a conversation. Not that you care!
19. You get embarrassed easily.
You feel terribly embarrassed when your man doesn’t behave or look presentable.
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You even try to ignore his presence or avoid him. After all, his bad manners are an insult to your gorgeous presence!
20. You look like you've stepped out of a salon all the time.
You’re beautiful and extremely well dressed all the time. Any guy you walks past can’t help but notice you in awe.
© Business Unplugged

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