Why Meru 7s Was a 'No Show' For Most Nairobians!

Posted on 12:19 by

Meru 7s went down this weekend and many were waiting to see if it could live up to the stadard set by masaku 7s.
it went down in peace with no incidents of rachetness maybe because alot of nairobians were not in attendance to show them what they are made of.
Here are some good explanations why:
#1. Most Nairobians have no clue where the hell Meru is even with a map.
#2. Most of them Thought it was a trap by mututho.
#3. Most peoples idea of MERU is an old village with miraa plantations.
#4. most nairobians probably used up all their money on fuel on the crazy masaku 7s traffic.
see: [ PHOTOS of All That Went Down at Meru 7s]
#5. To get to Meru, you don’t drive. You negotiate corners, valleys, mountains and bushes.
That makes it impossible to drink and drive.
#6. Machakos is 70km from Nairobi.Meru is atleast 250km, if you get a straight line.
#7. Meru couldnt come up with a cool name for the event like machakos did.
#8. meru governer doesn't have swag like mutua.
#9. There was no more rachetness left in after all the madness at masaku.
#10. Bad timing. Partying every weekend back to back is simply not as easy as it seems.
#11. Poor Marketing. Some people didn't even know it was taking place.
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