9 Ways NOT To Impress A Woman

Posted on 05:40 by

From revealing romantic feelings for a friend to crafting a spiffy e-opener, catching the interest of someone you'd like to date can be hard. (Seriously, we sympathize with any single woman or man.) But while the methods one can use to woo a lady have definitely expanded, some should just never be used.

Redditor Alexander_Dumass asked the ladies of the AskWomen forum to weigh in on the worst pickup techniques.  

Here are nine things men do to impress women that really don't work:

1. Talk trash about women. "It literally makes no sense but it's so common."

2. Insult the person you're currently dating. "As if that will make me change my mind and hop on your dick instead."

3. Show off their wealth. One Redditor put it perfectly:
It's not douchey to have money or to spend money on nice things. It is douchey to brag about how much money you make and the nice things you own, to make a big show of spending your money so everyone can see how rich you are, or to act as though being wealthy somehow makes you better than those around you.
4. Send unsolicited dick pics. "You're gross."

5. Give you a "resume" of why you should date them. "'I'm real buff, I'll treat you real nice, I make lots of money, I'll buy you gifts...' Like I'm some sort of a shallow brainless twit that is looking to hire a boyfriend."

6. Brag about how many women they've slept with. "He went from talking about pound town to asking me downtown. It was, sadly, not a joke."

7. Lie about their interests to make it seem like the two of you have more in common. "If you've never seen Blade Runner, for example, don't say you have just because its my favorite film. I can always tell when they're lying about this and I don't think it's sweet."

8. Follow you around the gym. "I'm busy, bro."

9. Talk only about themselves. "I'm glad that you assume that you're more interesting than I am."


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