
12 Aug 2014

8 Female Behaviors That Are Totally UnJustifiable

Ladies are normally  incredible human beings, capable of amazing feats.
howevever, there are female behaviors that are just totally not OK. And yet, women somehow think we’ll get away with it…

Sorry,but you woun't. Here are the  top female behaviors that are just totally not OK.

1. Wearing leggings to work

until the Parliament accepts leggings-as-pants as constitutional, then employers reserves the
right to bar them from any activities not involving a treadmill.

2. Having your boyfriend show up
to girl’s night

A surefire way to get everyone in your group dramatically disappointed in you is to bring your
boyfriend on a girl’s night.
For about 85 percent of the time, girls nyt out is all about the D. For that other 15 percent of the time,
we’re flash dancing to Pitbull, taking countless group selfies and screaming how much we love
each other.

Let’s not ruin this love fest by bringing a boyfriend into the mix (who probably doesn’t want to be there either).

3. Saying you’re not hungry and
then eating everyone else’s food

This is just plain wrong. At least intimate to the crew that you’re going to graze on their meals,
so the rest of us can stop pretending like we don’t mind your fingers in our food.
Grab a fork, or better yet, order something for yourself. Good talk.

4. Wearing heels to a party
and then complaining the whole

Please don’t ruin a perfectly good Justin Timberlake concert by crying a river about your feet. No judgment on the barefoot alternative — walk on the wild side.

5. Flirting with your friend’s boyfriend

Sometimes you need to ask yourself, “Is this kind of behavior worthy of a reality TV show?” and
then do the opposite.

6. Twirling your hair on a job

Nothing says, “I’m not confident in my abilities” like nervously twirling your hair in front of your
potential boss.
Fidgeting with your strands might have landed you an internship, but this is the big leagues where lady bosses wear buns and blazers.
Like your grade school teacher always told you:
Keep your hands to yourself.

7. Posting pictures on Facebook
of famous models who you think
look like you

Yes, we are sad to report but this is actually occurring across news feeds worldwide. this is a totally 'Vera sidika move' .Ladies, you don’t need to look like anyone but yourself.
And if you do happen to resemble Gisele, don’t post it. Chances are we all already know and hate you for it.

8. Not being able to take a. compliment

You think receiving compliments is awkward, we get it. But you know what’s even more uncomfortable?
The needless back-and-forth that goes on until we insist that you finally accept it. Say “Thank
you.” It’s easier.

© Business Unplugged

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