HILARIOUS!! 18 signs you are a BAD kisser

Posted on 05:47 by

We all want to be great kissers. But how do you know if you're not up to scratch? Here are some common signs.

  1. Your partner bleeds profusely from the face.
  2. Your partner has a recurring nightmare of drowning in stale coffee.
  3. Facebook and Google only show you AD's for chewing gum and mouthwash.
  4. You see a TOOTH PASTE commercial and think "I could be that guy."
  5. Watching goldfish swimming gives your partner a strange sense of deja vu.
  6. You think "suck face" is literal
  7.  Your favorite make-out jam is "Killing in the Name Of."
  8. No one seems to like you.
  9. Your date refuses to remove their scuba diving gear.
  10. You practice kissing drills with a pillow.
  11. Your partner has to change their shirt after a make-out session.
  12. Your dentist wished you "good luck" at the end of your last checkup.
  13. Your partner starts laughing hysterically.
  14. Your partner starts crying hysterically.
  15. Lightening strikes.
  16. You can get your way in social situations by threatening to kiss people.
  17. You can't distinguish between the pen you nibble on while making seductive eye contact and the one you use to clean your ears.
  18. You stop mid-kiss, looking surprised, and exclaim "Oh! This must be the human activity known as 'Frenching!'"


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