
21 Jun 2014

8 Secrets To WhyGirls Always Win Every Argument

You know that resistance is futile, and yet time and time again, you enter into verbal battle with the foolish notion that this time, victory will be yours. The reality is, however, you are facing a nemesis who is armed with an arsenal of tactics that you wouldn’t even think to use.
Here’s why girls win every argument. Always:

1. They Don’t Keep It Limited To The Issue At Hand
For girls, winning a fight and being right can be two totally separate issues. The title will belong to he who gets the last word. (Spoiler alert: That “he” is a “she.”)
If she realizes midway through an argument that you have a valid point, she can and will switch the subject to one of the other things
wrong with you, regardless of whether it’s relevant to the current conversation.
2. They Have A Better Emotional Vocabulary
Women have a wealth of words for expressing feelings, whereas men are mostly familiar with just four emotional concepts: Happy, angry,
horny and hungry.
Trying to argue with her about the negative emotions you’ve elicited in
her is like attempting to defend yourself in a court of law when you’ve had no legal training
— and when the trial is conducted in an ancient language you don’t even speak.
3. They Have The Eye Of The Tiger
The female mind has the endurance of a warrior, and is prepared (and able) to exhaust
you to the point of surrender.
Things like getting a good night’s sleep are necessary casualties in battle, whereas you’ll admit defeat
in exchange for a couple hours of shuteye before work.
4. They’re Prepared For Major Collateral Damage
Women know your deepest, most vulnerable spots. Are you insecure about your penis size?
Do you fear that you’re a failure professionally?
She knows the answers to these questions and keeps that l knowledge tucked away like a
nuclear bomb. She doesn’t want to have to use it, but if this is a fight to end all fights, so be it.
Save yourself the pain with two little words:
“You’re right.” Because you’ll eventually be saying them anyway.
5. The classic Tear Jerk
For  years women have used crying to bend men to their will. Crying is socialized out of the male at a very young age and consequently, they have no grasp of what the process of crying entails.
Therefore, they have no means
to defend against it. Males understand crying to be a result of a stimulus causing pain. For a woman, crying is simply an arbitrary response she can have to ANYTHING.
In short, to win an argument a woman just begins crying thus causing the man to become frozen to the spot like a naked Greek Statue wondering “wtf” just happened.
6. Feminist fatale.
When a woman is hopelessly losing an argument, she will often resort to an angle which you can not offer a rebuttal to and in the end you end up looking like an extremely insensitive dbag (Kanye West).
The feminist attack is one of them. Suddenly when backed into
a corner she will say something like, “You are just treating me
like this because I am a woman. Men have been persecuting women for ages.”
It is impossible to form a retort to this without sounding like the king of misogyny unless you are black or Jewish, in which case you can politely mention slavery or genocide.
7. The Sniper Ambush. Catching the male is totally unprepared and off guard.
After realizing the male brain prefers to perform one task at a time, an attack was designed to confront a man while he is sleeping, eating or watching his favorite sports team.
The man will not give her his full attention; instead he will go into “autopilot” and pretend to listen for safety reasons. A week will pass and he will reap the “benefits” of promises he made unconsciously. There will be Pink and yellow curtains, lilac wall paper and a pet bunny rabbit; all of which he “promised” were ok in his moment of weakness.
8. The Drama Queen role reversal maneuver.
This is a classic female maneuver. It is a feat of psychological manipulation only the fairer
sex is capable of executing effectively. It works something like
The woman will flip out and begin hurling verbal insults. In the process, she will insult her in-laws while throwing objects that qualify as “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” She will then push him to the limits of his sanity with her antics.
When he finally cracks and throws a tantrum of his own, she miraculously snaps back into a
completely reasonable person. She will then say something like, “SEE!
This is why I can't talk to you! OMG, you are so dramatic!!”
© Business Unplugged

1 comment:

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