15 Things Women Can Get Away With That Men Can’t

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Regardless if you agree with it or not, women are able to do certain things that wouldn’t be okay if men did them (and vice versa). And while this may sound troubling, it can also be quite empowering (at least to the dominant gender).
Here are the double standards of adult relationships in which the women can get away with a lot more than the men. Because, sometimes, life just isn’t fair.

1. Look fat but be told you don’t look fat:

 It doesn’t matter if the jeans make you look fat, because your boyfriend will never tell you. Besides, ignorance is bliss.

2. Teasing him about his outfit

Most men don’t take fashion personally and, therefore, won’t be offended when women harmlessly make fun of their outfit choices.
Women, on the other hand, fully believe that their wardrobe is an extension of who they are and, thus, they take their dressing pretty seriously.
When a man teases her about her clothes, it is a very real and sensitive kind of insult. Men, please take note, those high-waisted shorts she’s wearing are meant for flattery, not diaper comparison.

3. Being a terrible driver

We’re not saying all women are bad drivers, but if a woman is, it’s not a make-or-break quality. In fact, it legitimizes her excuse for not having to drive anywhere.
If he’s a poor driver, it shatters every racecar (Ha! A palindrome!) fantasy she’s ever going to have of him.

4. Never initiating

Especially in the beginning, when playing games is fairly common, women might feel too intimidated or needy if they are often the ones to reach out.

See also: [20 Bad Girl Traits Every Guy Wants in His Woman]

She wants you to be the gentleman and to express that you want her by asking her on a date. She won’t text you first, but that’s just because she expects you to. Once you’re together, trust us, she’ll return the favor.

5. Using the “I don’t know” excuse

Girls like to play dumb for a variety of reasons: attention, laziness or manipulation. When she says she “doesn’t know” how to build an IKEA table or how to use the remote control, it’s most likely because she wants the guy to do it for her.
It might set us back a few feminist decades, but in some respects, it’s actually used to our advantage. She knows what she’s capable of, which also includes pretending she doesn’t.

6. The period card

Also known as “the headache” in some older circles, the period excuse is one that is pretty self-explanatory. Beware the menstruation cycle that lasts longer than 10 days, though. That’s usually a bad sign….

7. Go gaga over cute animals: 

 Because it would just be weird if guys did. “Bro check this panda out. Oh my God. Oh my God he’s SOOO freaking cute. I want to take him home. Can we take him home? *Squeal*”

8. Using sex as a tool

Deny a woman sex and she’ll figure out other ways to satisfy herself. Deny a man sex and he’ll be at your mercy, begging for it.

See Also:  [13 Lies All Women Tell Each Other To Feel Better…Whether They Believe ThemOr Not]

The bedroom battle isn’t the most sophisticated way to get what you want, but it’s definitely effective.

9. Go on a date and not look like a loser for not picking up the tab: 

Let’s not reignite feminist arguments. Men pick up the tab on the first date, and if they don’t, it’s probably a sign.

10. Getting jealous

When a girl gets jealous, it can be written off as “cute” and “non-threatening” or even “flattering.” When a guy gets jealous, it’s viewed as “unfounded” and “controlling.” Sorry guys, you can’t win ‘em all.

11. Faking it

This just comes down to the gender discrepancies in anatomy. Men who fake it and get away with it must be really, really good (or bad?) at what they’re doing.

12. Not saying what she means

Women can be really hard to figure out, which is made even harder when we don’t fully disclose how we’re feeling.

 See also: [19 (HILARIOUS, Kind Of SAD, But Very True) SIGNS You Need to Get LAID ASAP]

Men are usually understanding and perceptive when she withholds her opinions from her partner. Women, however, will demand from her partner the entire truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth until it is finally revealed.

13. Flirt with the bouncer:  

We bat our eyes at the doorman and get in the door with no cover charge. If a guy were to try it, we're thinking he might get kicked out of line.

14. Shopping sprees

Women can easily justify spending an exorbitant amount on any article of clothing, accessory and shoes. If the man splurges on new digs, he better have the cash and swagger to back it up.

15. Flirting for a drink

She’s not doing it to piss him off or make him jealous, she’s simply doing it because she can and it’s free. Guys, don’t rant because you can’t.

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