15 Most Fun Self-Employed Jobs That Pay Well

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What are the best jobs in the world? We’re not just talking here about the best paying or the most rewarding. We’re talking about the most fun as well. Fortunately for you i have has come up with an answer.

i gathered some information from across the Web to get a better idea about what’s involved in starting and running one of these businesses. Think of it as a startup primer for some of the most popular and fun self-employment opportunities around.

#1. Video Game Player

Plenty of people play video games for fun, but you can actually do it for profit too. In fact, website e-Sports Earnings has actually created a list ranking the top 100 players based on earnings. Professional gamers earn money by winning contests and streaming their games, allowing them to earn sponsorships, reports Business Insider. There are actually over 60 gamers who earn more than $100,000 in a year.

#2. Voice-Over Artist

This isn’t necessarily a career that many people link with self-employment. But as with many jobs in the entertainment industry, being a voice-over artist involves building a personal brand and finding your own work.
Companies, including big names like Apple, contract out voice work to entrepreneurs like Susan Bennett, the voice behind the iPhone’s Siri.

#3. Brewmaster

Craft beers are growing in popularity. And with that growth comes more and more opportunities for home brewers and microbreweries to succeed. In fact, the industry has even produced a kind of microbrewery crowdfunding all its own. Think Kickstarter for microbreweries and you’ll get the idea.
Microbrewers can start as home brewers and eventually expand into sustainable small businesses with additional employees.

#4. Event Promoter

Working in the music biz can be an exciting venture. But how do you get into the music industry if you have no musical talent. Not to worry, concert promotion is still an option, though you’ll certainly need some marketing and basic business chops here. Concert promoters work with musicians, venues, and labels to gain buzz for shows and events. It can be a lucrative career, as Billboard.com reports in a story about a concert promoter who has been at it 50+ years.

see also:13 Male Careers and What They Say to Women About You

#5. Interior Designer

Being an interior designer involves planning and designing spaces for individual and commercial clients. For a self-employed person, this means building up a client list and portfolio. But it doesn’t necessarily require a physical location or large staff. In fact, services like Homepolish.com are making it even easier to connect designers and clients. So even the marketing aspect of the business is being simplified making it easier than ever to go it alone instead of working for a larger firm.

#6. Event Planner

Solo event planners can be responsible for organizing events of all kinds from meetings to corporate events. Entrepreneurs can create a niche in the market by specializing in specific events, including concerts, corporate retreats, or art exhibits.

#7. Landscape Architect

Landscape architects plan and design outdoor spaces including parks, yards, and other open areas. Becoming a landscape architect normally requires some education and a license. But entrepreneurs can create their own brand and client list.

#8. Fashion Designer

Fashion designers can build their own brands and sell their creations online or in small retail locations. There are plenty of different niches in the industry, so designers can find a way to stand out. Plenty of fashion design entrepreneurs have reached huge success.

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#9. Stand-up Comedian

Becoming a successful stand up comedian might seem fun, but it requires a lot of work. Most comedians work other jobs while honing their craft and trying to find gigs. But once you’ve built a personal brand, you can set your own schedule and choose where you’d like to perform.

#10. Public Relations Specialist

Public relations is an industry that can lend itself to so many different niches and specialties. If you have an educational background in PR or a similar field, you can start by working with one or two clients to build up a portfolio.
We hope you’ve found this overview helpful. For more on the topic of self-employment, see these other

 #11. Online media consultant 

Like participating on messageboards, Facebook, Twitter, and so on? Become an online media consultant and help people promote things. Start small – help local businesses get a presence on Facebook and set them up with Twitter. From there, you can grow to whatever works for you.

#12. Writing/Editing 

If you enjoy writing then writing and editing content in your spare time for companies is a great way to earn extra cash. Many website owners and other businesses require content be written or edited for a wide range of topics and uses. Some will even pay you for simple blog posts or comments. This type of business requires no overhead or experience and you can earn a nice income if you can connect with the right companies willing to pay for your writing services.

#13.  Social media 

Almost everyone uses Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. these days but did you know that many companies will pay people to help them manage their social media accounts, even part time from home. If you are a social media junky already then this may be a great way to start your own business that you enjoy, simply by playing around on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites all day.

#14.  DeeJaying

Are you an audiophile? If you have a great sound system and a large selection of music, you’ve already got what you need to hire yourself out as a DJ for various events and receptions. This is a great way to fill an afternoon and evening while also earning some cash in the process.

see also: Lost inTranslation:What women Says and What Men REALLY Hear!!

#15. Catering 

If you love to cook, take the “Blondie” route and start a home catering business. Catering is a business that’s perfectly designed to reward those who plan well and can often fit perfectly into weekends, lining up wonderfully opposite a normal workweek.

Business Unplugged

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