8 Types Of Guys You Should Avoid Dating Because Of Their JOBS

Posted on 02:21 by

In men, it’s the job category most likely can tell you how much you may be able to stanfmd him.

So what are jobs a potential male mate may have that could spell trouble for you down the line? Find out here:

1. Writer/Artist/Whatever

Pros: He’s creative! He has feelings and isn’t afraid to express them! He is always around tinkering in his studio, fiddling with his latest novel draft, or working on that kinetic sculpture.

Cons: His paycheck — wait, he doesn’t get a paycheck. He cries
more than you do. He’s prone to disappearing into his work for hours, make that days, make that years.

Conclusion: If you’re looking for stability, go out with Ted from financial services.

2. Cop/Bouncer/Military Contractor

Pros: If anyone tries to mess with you, he will smash them into a pulp. He can carry you over his
shoulder and forget you’re there. He is a man, not an emo boy.

Cons: His high-stress job stresses him out. He will never write you a sonnet. He works crazy hours/shifts,
and you never know when you’ll see him.

Conclusion: It could work, but only if you’re willing to put your back into it.

3. Waste management/Sewer Maintenance/Garbage Pickup

Pros: Not afraid to get his hands dirty. Steady paycheck: check. It keeps him busy, and this means he
cherishes his time off — with you.

Cons: Smelly prior to after-work bathing. Back problems. A little rough around the edges.

Conclusion: For women who don’t give a crap what other people think.

4. CEO/Investment Banker/Businessman

Pros: Looks good in a suit. Can balance your paycheck with his eyes closed. Buys you stuff.

Cons: Has a predilection for champagne, hanging with his bros over hanging with his hos, and is rather prone to the acquisition of material objects.

Conclusion: If you’re a Charlotte: yes. If you’re a Carrie: no.

see also: 10 Types Of Crazy Sex You’ll Experience In Your 20s

5. Unemployed

Pros. Has lots of free time. Not stressed out by work demands. Unlikely to be having an affair with the office administrative assistant.

Cons: You pay — for everything. Suffers from crushing lack of self-esteem. Makes your father want to tear his out his eyeballs.

Conclusion: Acceptable if temporary situation in challenging economy. As a lifestyle, unacceptable.

6. Model/Stripper/Escort

Pros: Easy on the eyes. Knows all the best places to get waxed, tweezed, and tanned. A true professional in the sack.

Cons: Impossible to get any mirror time. Sexual contact with other women, possibly professionally,
sometimes for money. STDs?

Conclusion: Ideal for cougars. Impossible otherwise.

7. Insurance Agent/CPA/Accountant

Pros: Reliable. Trustworthy. Deeply familiar with risk determination.

Cons: Boring. Won’t stop talking about latest tax revisions. Wears pleated khakis.

Conclusion: Better than the rent boy, but she must be able to tolerate protracted discussions of the weather to make it last over the long haul.

see also: 13 Lies All Women Tell Each Other To Feel Better…Whether They Believe ThemOr Not

8. Rock Star/Spiritual Leader

Pros: Charismatic. High-strung. Capable of winning over large numbers of people through oratory skills.

Cons: Polemical. Possesses plaster cast of own penis. Keeps running off on missions to war-torn countries.

Conclusion: Avoid.

© Business Unplugged

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